In looking over the basket of Christmas cards we received from people this year, I feel blessed to have so many great friends. Some went above and beyond and contributed to making this an Epic Year for me. There were a few “wounded souls," however, that I had to say good-bye to. One thing I am realizing about myself is that I have a tendency to befriend the wounded so I can fix them. But, I’m learning the hard way, usually the wounded don’t want to get healed, and I end up getting hurt in the process.
But this post is about the peeps who made ‘10 really blessed for me. There were lots, but these are the stand-outs.
My Prayer Warriors, especially Valerie, Mary, Ron and my Prayer Team, who were always available to pray for me and my family at the drop of a hat. They asked, they were faithful, and I am so grateful. I’ve counted on them over and over again this year.
My Best Girlfriends (and they know who they are), who pursued me and loved me through thick and thin. They made themselves available for listening or laughter, a quick Thai lunch or evening glass of wine. Whatever would I do without my girlfriends?
Our Couple Friends, like Lauree & Dave, Kellye & Todd, Peggy & Butch, Bonnie & Joe, and Karl & Nancy, who made our Date Nights even more fun. Super Hubs enjoys them as much as I do.
My Parents, who win Outstanding Grandparents of the Year in my book. I’m overwhelmed by the ways they’ve built into my children this year, and have planned thoughtful, fun events for them with an energy level that I envy. To my offspring, they are “Santa Claus Meets Disney World.”
Chris & Cintia, my brother-in-law and sister in-law. They invited us to their Cabo San Lucas time share in October, and what a week of fun in the sun we had! We swam, relaxed, dined fabulously in the resort cliffs overlooking the Pacific. It was a magical.
My Neighbors, Sandi and Brian, who kept a good eye on Rock Star and fed him well while we were in Cabo. He thinks of them as second parents, and it was great to be able to relax, knowing he was in good hands.
Uncle John and Aunt Susan, who heard Rock Star’s longing to visit his beloved Boston, and invited him out for a week. They entertained him, encouraged him, and touched his life. His trip to Boston was the highight of his year, and that in turn blessed me.
My Yoga Instructor, Kim, who has been gentle and super encouraging. She helps me to appreciate the power of staying in the moment and appreciating what I can do instead of focusing on my limitations.
Sibyl and Ruth, spiritual mentors who have helped me to better identify God’s voice in my life and point me toward practices of spiritual formation. They are who I aspire to be.
My Pharmacist and Allergist, both who helped to improve my quality of life. My asthma had gradually gotten so bad this year that I thought chronic coughing and labored breathing was normal. I felt miserable for months. Through their combined kindness and wisdom, I am now the happy owner of a healthy set of lungs.
Jamie Ford, the author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I wrote a little blurb about his book being one of my favorites, and he commented on my little obscure blog yesterday. I was so excited that I texted some Book Club members and did the Snoopy dance. A famous author! Commented on my blog! What a great guy! He made my day, and now makes My Epic Peeps list right as the year ends.
Thank you, my Epic Year Peeps. You made my 2010 richer.