What is that sound? Oh, silence! I’d quite forgotten what silence sounds like! I’m alone in the house for the first time in 4 months. My kidlings are all in school this week, and I’m in a place of happy with Butterfly being back at college. She’s good, so I’m good.
It was a spectacular summer filled with swims in the lake, weekly movies, dates with friends and dining al fresco. We vacationed on a tropical island as a family, and Super Hubs and Little Squirt spent some father/son bonding time at a camp in Upper Michigan. It was a season filled with sunshine, peace, and healthy, life-giving friendships. Whew! No drama. I am refreshed, restored and ready to tackle this next season of my life. I see some exciting projects on the horizon; blurred edges beginning to form.....sailing closer......here they come. I’m ready to board! More on that later.
I acquired new glasses early in the summer, which was a turning point of sorts for me; an admittance that certain body parts may not be functioning quite as they did when I was a youngster. So I’ve been wearing my glasses mostly for reading, and I’ve taken a liking to them because A.) they help me see more clearly and B.) they are a cute and trendy fashion statement. We enjoy reading together, my glasses and I. But I’m still trying to get in the habit of wearing them when I need to.
A few days ago I relaxed in the morning with a cup of coffee and the paper, and then I realized that I didn’t have my glasses on. I grabbed my purse, put on my glasses, and continued reading the paper. But the room seemed a bit dusky, so I turned on the light and scanned the paper. Ten minutes later, Butterfly entered the room, started at me for a few seconds with concern, and then asked, “Mom, why are you wearing your sunglasses in the house?”
(Sigh.) My mother used to do spacey things like that all the time and I swore I never would. But now I’m all merrily reading the newspaper with my sunglasses, and pondering why the print is dark and blurry.
My eyes are aging, my brain is aging, but it’s all good. I’m owning it, and thankful that, for the most part, my body is working darned well. 40s are the new 20s, don’t you know? And a little fish oil, white tea and ginkgo biloba on a daily basis will become part of my new regimen. Along with keeping my prescription specs in a different place than my shades.
so you haven't worn your underwear as a hat yet? don't worry. it's coming.
Who is that handsome man in the photo with you. My, but he ages well.
I've gone from reading glasses to progressives in a about 4 years, mostly because if you wear your glasses all the time you always have them, lol!
I must admit I burst out loud laughing when you were asked about reading with your sunglasses on.
I haven't done that yet but I do keep putting my glasses up on my head and then looking for them.
As long as I can remember my Aunt has always worn her glasses on a chain around her neck. She is 86 years old lives in Miami and is as sharp in her thoughts as ever. Maybe she has something there in using the chain. It's a hard trend to start.
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