I’ve been Director of Operations to Project Bearded Dragon now for about three weeks, and I’d call it a successful career so far. In other words, he ain’t dead yet. Little Squirt is the Hospitality and Activities Director and BFF to the Beardie, while I come alongside, providing financial support and overseeing clean-up and provisions.
The little reptile guy is growing me as a person. For example, I now run a cricket motel, dishing up yellow cricket food once a day to keep them alive.......so they can be eaten by the Beardie. And I actually cheer for the Beardie when he catches them. Who knew I’d have a taste for blood? I used to be an Insect Pacifist, carrying bugs from the house to be set free outside. It ruined my day if I stepped on an ant. I’d agonize that the little ant parents would grieve forever that their little ant child never came home. But now here I am, happily raising crickets for lizard food.
I’m also keeping meal worms in my fridge, right next to the salad dressing. I’m not even bothered by it in the least. That’s right, Me The Germaphobe, who’d rather forget her wallet than her hand sanitizer.
I don’t know if any of this is good or bad. What I do know, though, is that Little Squirt is deliriously, head-over-heels in love with his new pet. And sometimes your love for your kids overrides your phobic stuff.
Living, learning and growing, one day at a time.
Better you than me! You are brave!
And it's getting bigger...
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