Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh, My Aching Everything!

ACHOO! (Pardon me while I blow my nose.)

I have had a nasty upper respiratory virus for the past 5 days. It seems to be stronger than a cold but less virile than the flu. I don’t know what it is, but I’m calling it a Wannabe Flu. I think I caught it from my daughter, who passed it on to me with her good-bye hug as she headed back to college last week.

Usually, at the first sign of an illness onset, I use my Anti-Virus Arsenal of Airborne, green tea & probiotic yogurt. That no-fail triad combination usually nips it in the bud, and I feel better by Day #3. But this Wannabe Flu has shown great resistance to my wellness attempts. My no-fail failed! The Wannabe Flu has cursed me with a fever, sore throat, congestion, and general malaise. It’s now Day #6, and I’m fearing I’m getting a sinus infection.

Because we share a bed along with toothpaste tube, it was inevitable that Super Hubs would catch this from me. He came home from work yesterday with the same drippy red nose that I’ve been sporting. After dinner, we asked our teen boy to do the dishes and tend to our little boy. We put on our jammies, downed some motrin and benadryl, and crawled into bed with a pile of books we hoped to make a dent in. By 8pm, we were fast asleep, lights still on.



SuperHubs said...

Danks a lut. I hab a culd in ma nose now too.

sir james said...

Yea an old married couple, just fell asleep. lol