Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ms. Bossy Pants

Little Squirt has a nemesis in his classroom named Anna*. (*Name changed to protect the innocent nemesis.) Anna has been the bane of his existence for the past few weeks. Little Squirt is in a multi-age classroom, and she is the 2nd grader his 1st grade self has been partnered with. He can’t stand her. Every day after school, I get an earful on the car ride home about Anna, whom he calls, “Ms. Bossy Pants.” He says she’s always telling him what to do in a domineering tone of voice. He says she completely ruins his day every day.(I’m thinking he and Anna will someday marry.)

Yesterday, Little Squirt told me yet another story in the continuing saga of Ms. Bossy Pants. She had apparently criticized his hand-writing, told him not to speak so loudly, and ordered him to get in the lunch-line quicker.

“Little Squirt,” I said. “The next time Anna tries to tell you what to do, just say, ‘Talk to the hand, ‘cause the ears ain’t listening.’”

My 7yo son stared at me with an embarrassed look on his face.
“Mom,” he said “You are way too old to be saying things like that.”

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