The picture below is not of a figure in a burqa. We don’t require burqa-wearing in our home. We have quite the liberal dress code, actually. The picture is of a blanket that is “hiding” an 8yo who doesn’t want to hear a bed time story.
The picture at the top is of the same 8yo, “hiding” under my bed skirt because he didn’t want to wear a particular shirt to school that I had chosen for him because it was chilly.
My 8yo has a sweet, happy disposition almost always. He’s the sunniest child I’ve ever known. When life gets frustrating for him, he doesn’t scream or cry. He hides somewhere, anywhere; in a closet, behind a couch, under a blanket or bed skirt. The invisible bubble over his head reads: “Back off, World. I’ve had enough!”
Frankly, I get that. There are many days I’d love to lay on my carpet, head under my bed skirt. Back off, World. I’ve had enough! (Do they sell burquas to women to wear on days when they’ve had enough?)
1 comment:
Great story. But frankly ... I've not been able to get past the shock of Doug's legs...
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