Friday, December 21, 2007

To Beat A Blizzard

As if I wasn’t harried enough…..

I woke up this a.m., nursing my cup of coffee, and sitting deadlocked into my easy chair. I had so much to do to get read for our vacation to Connecticut tomorrow to spend Christmas with my in-laws. I thought if I just sat there, trying to muster up the energy to begin tackling my To-Do list, maybe things would just kind of “do themselves.” Supernaturally. But it was not to be. So I kept putting my chores off, just sitting there in a zombiated, “stuck” kind of place; fretting about all I had to do.

And then Super Hubs saw the forecast of impending snow storms headed our way tomorrow……scheduled right on time to accompany us on our trek through Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Oh, just terrific. And potentially dangerous, going through the Appalachians.

We decided we’d better leave tonight and drive to a hotel on the Ohio/Penn border. If things go as planned, we should beat the storm and be at my in-laws home in CT by late afternoon Saturday. And once we had the idea to leave early, it was, “Let’s leave earlier.” Then “Earliest.” Then, “How about Right Now?” But we realized we needed to wait until Butterfly got home from school. (And she will be thrilled, I’m sure, to have to cancel her social plans for tonight.)

So it’s been a day of hectic scrambling. Hurry, hurry. Fast, faster. Throw things into suitcases. Bring dog to Peggy’s. Leave instructions for person who will house-sit. Do quick errands. And speaking of that- it’s crazy out there! All The Crazies are out in Crazy Land today, driving around my town to get their last-minute Crazy Christmas shopping done. And being QUITE RUDE about it. I give you fair warning: Stay home and be safe!

Now it’s become a contest of The Blizzard vs. Us. We are determined to beat this winter storm to the East Coast! And then have a relaxing time with Super Hub’s amazing family.

I will attempt to blog on location, whenever I can get out to a place that has internet access. My mother-in-law’s computer system is so archaic; it involves something like a man riding a camel to deliver email on papyrus scrolls.

Blessings to my cyberspace friends. I wish you warmth and beauty, wherever you are.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family - God bless you and have a safe trip!

Kelly said...

Same to you, Jim!