He’s a charmer, my six-year-old. Loving and demonstrative, out-going and buckets of fun. He’s a true people person. But sometimes his…creativity, his…..originality, his…..ability to think outside of the box can be taxing. Draining. Distressing.
Current case in point: He went down to the basement to play video games today after lunch, followed by the family dog. After half an hour, the dog came back up, followed by Little Squirt. And the dog had wet ears. And a wet head. And was wet on his back.
So this conversation ensued:
Me: “How come the dog’s wet?”
L.S.: “Because.”
Me: “Because WHY?”
L.S.: “Because I had to pee on him.”
Me: “You peed on the dog?? For Heaven’s sake, why??”
L.S.: “Because I had to go. Badly. I didn’t have time to come upstairs. And you told me never to pee on the carpet.”
Me: (Still trying to digest this info.) “So you peed on the dog?”
L.S.: “Mom, it’s okay. He didn’t mind.”
Hmmmm. It actually kind of made sense. The dog probably didn’t mind. And Little Squirt was just being conscientious about the carpeting, thus using the dachshund as a kind of portable latrine……It worries me that I’m beginning to find his 6-year-old rationale sane and reasonable. Please, anybody, help me.
Gives new meaning to his nickname...
Hmm, a coffee can for emergencies only perhaps. and jimf still can't spell.
I shard this one with my famly and we all thing it was the funnest we heard in long time! ;)
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