I shall christen this time forevermore as The Season of Transitions.......
Butterfly will be graduating from High School, Rock Star will be taking Driver’s Ed, and Little Squirt will be heading into first grade in the fall, the first year in 9 with all my children in school full time.
Which event fills my heart with the most angst? I believe it’s the thought of Rock Star navigating 4,000 pounds of metal at 55 miles per hour. And being responsible for our fairly new Toyota. The boy loses his housekey on a daily basis! I can only imagine. Blehhhh! (That was a shudder. I truly shuddered as I wrote this, and then tried to sound it out, much like Little Squirt does with his phonetic spelling.)
But I’m proud of the three of them. My offspring. I wish I could snuggle them under my protective wing and keep them safe and secure in my nest forever. However does the little Mommy Bird do it, giving her fledglings the boot as soon as their wings are ready? How did she get ready??
1 comment:
At least he'll have a long long time before he gets his license.
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