I woke up this morning, craving coffee. As I headed down the stairs, Little Squirt blocked my way, saying he had a surprise and wasn’t quite ready yet. Apparently I had a scrurmptious feast of breakfast in bed to await me. My youngest child had lovingly prepared french bread toast slathered with raspberry preserves for my dining pleasure. And a yummy cup of coffee.
I love Mother’s Day! I am blessed to be pampered by three adorable offspring. But, I dare say I’ve earned it. Breakfast in bed is probably the least they can do!
Butterfly, my firstrborn, was a fiery ball of fiestiness with a crown of thick black hair. She came into the world believing she was boss, and I think she believes that still! I was her favorite person from age 6 months to 4 years, and woe to anyone who got between us. When Super Hubs and I would hug each other in her presence, she'd come raging, and push him far away from me. I actually felt guilty about loving my husband! The first time I left her for an overnight with her grandparents at age 18 months, she spent the next day ignoring me for a good 6 hours. And let’s not even talk about when I betrayed her by bringing her brother home!
Rock Star was a sweet, serious, peaceful baby, with the exception of age 1 to 2. That entire year, we could not eat out as a family even once because of his deplorable behavior in the restaurant high chairs. He also had a crazy habit of sticking things up his nose. Popcorn kernels, beads and tonka truck boulders somehow found their way into his nostril caverns. I went through more pairs of tweezers during those years. If only I’d thought to buy stock in Loreal, I’d be a rich woman indeed.
And then, after an 8 year pause, came Little Squirt. He was born with a smile on his face, a incredibly fun temperament, and an unbelievable mischievous spirit. He still is wonderfully resourceful when it comes to elimination issues. When he didn’t have time to run to the bathroom, he once peed in a bucket in his closet. And several times in my heating vents. And once on the dog. His creativity has led him to getting his head caught in a the bars of a rocking chair. And in a potty seat. And one day, at age three, I caught him trying to pry open my 2nd story bedroom window, while holding a scarf. His brilliant plan: To climb down the side of the house like Spider Man. I had palpitations the whole week after that near-disastrous episode.
So you see, I’ve earned breakfast in bed. And much more!
Seriously, I adore my children with everything in me. I am so grateful they are mine!
Happy Mother’s Day to all those women who “mother” in one form or another. You are a blessing.
Happy Mothers Day. enjoy
What a bunch!
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