How I love bookstores! Honestly, I get palpatations just walking in and viewing the newest, latest novels with their artsy covers. Or the yummy paperbacks. Or the crisp classic work of literature, their comforting words that have stood the test of time. But I rarely buy books, because I hate to spend the money, and we have an excellent local library.
But Rock Star wanted to buy a book tonight. If you know my 15yo, you will realize what a Once In A Blue Moon Miracle that is. I am a reader, and Super Hubs is a reader, and we raised our children to be readers. I was a homeschool mother for 7 years, for Pete’s Sake, reading countless classics and quality books to my children from infancy on. As a result, Butterfly adores books and devours Jane Austin like a beagle on Girl Scout cookies. I don’t know what happened with Rock Star. He does not read unless required to, and it breaks my heart. I have failed, as a mother, to impart my love of reading to him. (Sniff.)
So Rock Star’s need to buy a book tonight was not based on whim, but on an Engish assignment. His teacher is requiring that he read a book this month, and he chose to read a Stephen King novel. Why that particular choice? Not for the love of the author, or a passion for thrillers, but because he spied a friend with that certain book and liked the cover art. But, whatever. I was thrilled to purchase words for him! So off we went to the bookstore this evening.
While he searched for his book, I browsed. I received a couple of gift cards to this bookstore for my birthday, which is such a treat for me. But I have yet to use them, because of all the choices. I feel like I need to buy the perfect book, one that will live proudly on my bookshelf for years to come, and be read over and over. So what is that special book or books that I must buy with my gift card? I have been in this bookstore many times since my birthday, and yet I always leave empty-handed. Too many wonderful choices! What to buy?? Lately I have been attracted to travel and food memoirs. But then I always love a new cookbook. On the other hand, I want to begin collecting some new additions of the classics. Or perhaps a beautiful poetry book. Or an inspiring biography. I just don't know which to get!!
Rock Star left the store with his Stephen King novel, and I left with my two gift cards still unused in my wallet. I cannot decide!!
Which Steve K book was it? Some of the older books are great!
One of The Tower series or something. The first book of that fantasy series.
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