As of exactly one week ago yesterday, I have two teenager drivers. Rock Star got his Driver’s Permit last week and began Driver’s Ed. And, amazingly enough, he’s doing quite well. He doesn’t seem to be nearly the lead-foot his sister was, and he’s got a humble, teachable spirit. I’m mightily impressed, even thought I still sit in the passenger’s seat white-knuckled, jaw clenched and constantly pressing an imaginary break pedal. I cannot help myself. It’s instinct. This is the kid whose wallet goes through the wash on a daily basis, so I’m a bit apprehensive about him being reponsible for a motorized vehicle.
However, he’s doing wonderfully, and passed his Permit test with flying colors. Which has led to another issue. As I drove him around town today, he was all, “Mom! For Pete’s sake! You didn’t come to a complete stop back there!” and “You are supposed to stop behind the white line!’” and “Heavens, Woman- watch the speed limit!”
Now I’ve got a Driving Critic sitting beside me. Oy.
Fifty plus years and my wife still drives from the passenger seat. At the end of a long travel day she is just as tired as I am. :)
Sir James- that made me laugh out loud!=)
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