We threw Butterfly a Graduation party on Sunday. There were just a few glitches during the preparatory phase, such as the weather. The forecast called for Perfect; sunny and 80. And I was banking on “Perfect,” and had no “Bad Weather” plan. Absolutely none, which concerned Super Hubs to a degree. My only fantasy of this Grad party was for Perfect Weather, and we set up tables and chairs on our back deck and down by the firepit, and it had not even occured to me that we might have to entertain guests in Bad Weather. So when I saw a few thunderheads come drifting by, and the forecast changed to “isolated showers,” I panicked. It was three hours before the party, and was all in a tizzy with “What on earth will we do? We cannot fit 70 people in our home, and how do you make s’mores without a fire pit??” Super Hubs and my mother-in-law tried to calm me down and reassure me. And then I prayed all the best Good Weather prayers I could think of and rebuked the storm clouds and so forth, and it worked. The Perfect Weather came back for the remainder of the day. Halleluiah!
And then there were a few food glitches. I ordered it all to be ready at 4pm, but both places that I was catering from fell short. Jewel had no record whatsoever of my order of chicken wings, and Portillo’s had neglected to fax my order over to catering, so I had to wait 20 minutes while the Rigatoni A La Vodka finished cooking. But they gave Rock Star and me free drinks and chocolate cake while we waited, which made it almost worth it. So then I was running 20 minutes behind schedule and had to high-tail it home and bark orders at my family to “divide and conquer” and arrange all the food before the guests arrived at 5pm. “You-cut up the French bread! And you- arrange the watermelon slices neatly around this plate....” and so forth. But by 5pm, all the food was neatly arranged on two different tables, the drinks were in the coolers, Butterfly’s music was playing, and we were good to go.
It was a lovely party with family and a few close friends, and multitudes of Butterfly’s classmates that kept mutliplying like locusts. They’d fill up their plates and head to the front yard where a Baggo tournament was in assembly.
Dare I say it was Perfect? Fabulous weather and company and the feeling of being mighty proud of the woman my daughter is becoming! And she was thrilled with the party. I am so glad it all worked out well. We were blessed.
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