Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Do It For Me

There are not a whole lot of perks that come with Aging. But here is one, and I am going to use it: I proudly proclaim that my brain is too over-loaded to learn anything new unless I want to! And I ain’t apologizing.

I finally can use our DVD player after months of choosing not to understand how it works in conjunction with the TV. Having four other family member who could work the DVD player for me, why would I want to bother trying? I get easily bored and distracted when reading directions. But when this school year came along and I was home all day alone for the first time in years, I decided it was in my best interest to learn how to run it myself. (Just in case I feel the need to watch a marathon of “The Office” or something. For research purposes, of course.)

I learned to use my phone and my camera because I need them. When motivated, I can learn. When I’m not motivated, I refuse. There are just too many facts using up a finite amount of my brain space to continue cramming it with useless information. It’s called Simplifying, and Simplifying is all the rage right now. I am just keeping my brain trendy.

And while I’m on the topic, I have one more point: Any household gizmo that takes more than three steps to complete a function may be smashed with a hammer and drop-kicked out the window during a certain time of the month when the hubs keeps a low profile. Like our new thermostat, for example. I hate it. It’s all too confusing and was clearly designed by someone who once worked for NASA. I refuse to learn to work a gadget that requires 14 steps and a tutorial just to get me warm. I have no patience for that! Just keep it at 72 degrees, and I’ll be happy. And when The Mama’s happy, everybody’s happy.


Sir James said...

Careful with the learning new stuff process. An aged brain will only hold so much info. After that each new thing replaces something you used to know. :)

JimF said...

Very good in every sense - love it!

Super hubs said...

Hey, it's set to 72 and not the official 68

Sir james said...

I'm sure 72 was just for the picture. Just so super hubs would not look like a schrooge. She did it for love.