Summer break! My favorite time of the year! (Cue brain to evoke images of homemade popsicles, beach chairs and family drive-in movies.)
In reality, sometimes our summer breaks past have looked more like this: Air conditoning breakage, sibling squabbles and a kitchen ant infestation.
But so far we are off to a good start. Butterfly’s been home from college for a month, and I have thoroughly enjoyed our girl time. Rock Star took his last final on Tuesday, finishing his sophomore year well, I say with pride. And Little Squirt is now a graduate of first grade, a thought that made him weepy until I reminded him that he will have his same wonderful teacher for second grade. Then we went to Sonic for lunch where he at his favorite mozarrela sticks and rootbeer, to celebrate a year done well.
Ahhh summer. Soaking Up My Kids Time. A more peaceful, Zen-like existence. I love it. Freebie movies, library reading programs, travels in the minivan to the beach, mosquito bites, sticky watermelon fingers; bring it on. I am sooo ready.
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