Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I picked up my new eyeglasses yesterday, and I feel like a new version of myself entirely when I wear them. I morph from Silly Ol’ Me to Sophisticated TV Reporter with a snap of a eyeglass case. They just may be Magic Specs!

I attended my monthly Book Club meeting last night, where we dined on Chinese food and discussed a Pearl S. Buck novel. I wasn’t my intelligent best as I consumed beef satay and egg drop soup. I confused Japanese facts with Chinese, and substituted character’s names with my favorite desserts. I had nothing clever to contribute until I put on my glasses, and my IQ seemed to sneak up 20 points. It really was remarkable! Just ask my Book Club friends.

And aside from the clarity of mind that my new specs seem to bring, I can see distance objects with more precision and focus. I hadn’t realized I was seeing blurry until my Magic Specs showed me the improvement. What I thought proudly was a UFO Landing Pad on our front lawn is apparently just a Big Lawn Bald Spot from frequent kid football games. Dang! I was looking forward to a book deal.

Here’s a little irony: I am doing a Beth Moore Bible study with some awesome ladies. And we are studying Revelations. This week we pondered, “What is God revealing to me in my life?” This study lines up with a God Hunt I’ve been on for a while. I look around, wonder, and journal: Where is God working in my life? What is making me feel the most alive? Through which relationships and experiences am I sensing His love?

The more that I ponder and wonder and invite God in to my questionings, the better my life vision is becoming, and I am knowing what to move toward. Relationships are right-sized, and blurry situations are fine-tuned into perfect focus. My discernment is increasing abundantly.

I am in a season of letting go. Letting go of some things in my life that aren’t serving me well anymore. And, on the flip side, embracing the activities and relationships that have my best interests at heart, feel life-giving, and bring me joy. It’s finding God in my God Hunt. Or seeing life with my Magic Specs.

"Vision: The art of seeing the invisible."
(Jonathan Swift)
I believe it just takes lots of practice.


Anonymous said...

It's nice when God give us 20/20 spiritual vision too.

sir james said...

OK now that you can see. Don't look at my FB picture.

Kelly said...

Sir James- not true! You are a handsome man.

siir james said...

lol, thanx but I'm sure I look a lot better through blury eyes. lol