I said I’d post about every Fun In The Frigid Date Nite, I’m combining #s 3&4, not because I’m woefully lazy but because life got woefully crazy. I had a paper to write, a 3-day retreat to attend, and Thanksgiving dinner to plan......I won’t bore you with the details.
Date Nite #3 occurred on one of those evenings when Super Hubs and I felt every one of our 29 (ahem) years of age. We had both been sitting comfortably in our easy chairs, debating if we should go out or not. It was a cold evening, and we feeling tired and achy and old, and wondering if there was maybe a Senior Center somewhere nearby where we could play a little bingo and gum some rice pudding. But then I thought of my parents, who are 68 and 70, and who still travel the world and ride camels and cross country ski and go para-sailing in Hawaii. Super Hubs and I are considerably younger, yet here we sat wondering if we should just stay home and knit afghans from our rockers. Pathetic. So, with new resolve, we primped and drove to Houlihan’s.
Houlihan’s is my favorirte “fall-back” restaurant for those evenings when my brain is tired and I can’t think of anywhere new and exciting to try. I enjoy the urban-feel atmosphere, and the food is a bit fun and edgy. I had my mandatory Date Nite Drink and a couple of my favorite small plates; the stuffed jumbo ‘shrooms and the white bean and artichoke hummus. Super Hubs had his usual something-made-with-beef.
I’m glad we got off our lazy buttskis and went out. It was a peaceful evening of shooting-the-breeze. I always have some kind of drama that I need to process, and Super Hubs is always a great listener. It’s a lesson in Mutuality: I’m his favorite Drama Queen, and he’s my favorite Therapist. Dysfunctional? Perhaps. But it works for us.
Date Nite #4 was last night. We shared our time with one of our favorite couples, Dave and Lauree. We’ve been friends for over a dozen years with this beautiful couple. Lauree is the sister I never had, and I know Doug thinks highly of Dave. The men are friends independently of Lauree and I, which can be rare with couple friends. Often times it’s the women creating the friendships, and the men just tag along for the ride. We ate yummily and gab-fested, and went home filled, both body and soul.
So there you are. Two dates in a nut shell.
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