Butterfly’s been living at her college for over a month now, and I miss her like crazy. It helps that we communicate almost every day, through facebook or skype or text messaging. And it encourages me to I know she has made some good friends and is really happy. She’s dating a wonderful guy, loves her classes, and is active in Lacrosse. It’s all good.
However, this week she was sick for the first time. I fielded a bunch of phone calls from her yesterday. She was feverish and achy, and wanting to come home. It took everything in me not to jump into the car and make the 5 hour drive to her campus with a pot of homemade chicken soup in the cooler. I wanted to plump up her pillows, make her some tea, and tuck her into bed.
Today, on the recommendation of her Lacrosse coach, Butterfly went to an ER with a fellow athlete who has also been sick. They had chest xrays and blood work, and the diagnosis came back as “viral.” They were ordered to bedrest for the weekend. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she was being cared for. And she has some good people in her life who will look out for her.
Several friends have told me, difficult as it is, this is an important adult step for my daughter. She had to navigate the medical field, figure out the paperwork, and, expecially, know she can be ill and survive without her mommy caring for her. But it is excrutiating for me. When my child is sick, she becomes 3 years old again in my mind. She probably always will.
I hear ya. I still drive up every now and then and burp Scott after he eats. Then he punches me and I remember ... oh yeah. Okay, obviously I'm kidding. The "letting go" is not an easy thing. But the option? Not pretty. I'm praying for you and Doug as you navigate some rough waters. Trust me ... it calms down. And then you feel the joy as you watch them soar!
There sure is a market opportunity in that part of Ohio for an Immediate Care walk-in clinic...
Thanks, Ron! We sure appreciate it.=)
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