Little Squirt is in our church’s “Where Is Christmas?” Christmas show, with 5 performances this weekend. He’s had 3 hour rehearsals all week, and he's enjoying every minute. It’s an awesome show, with a very talented cast of teens and young adults singing and dancing.
Little Squirt is in the children’s choir, and was required to wear black pants. So, in addition to the black pants, I purchased his first pair of black “dress” shoes. I presented them to him the other day after school.
“Tap shoes!!” he said joyfully.
“No, these aren’t tap shoes. They’re just black dress shoes to wear for your performance,” I explained.
He quickly put them on, and then did an impromptu step-shuffle-hop-step and step-ball change. He’s never had a dance lesson in his life. “See, Mom? They’re tap shoes!” he said merrily, and shuffled up the stairs.
Should I be worried?
I got a reference now. The Hot Chocolate scene in Polar Express. "Tap, tap, tappity tap, Hot Chocolate!"
Get some old Shirley Temple movies on dvd?
Hello, from one trainlover's wife to another!
I got your blog address from a post that your husband made to a train forum that my husband (Dennis Wiemer)frequents.
I started my blog one year ago. It is mostly photos of our kids with my target audience being my mil and my mom. Since my mil passed away Nov 6th, I haven't been much in the mood to blog.
Nice to meet you, Kim.:)
Sorry about your mil. Hard life stuff can definitely drain the creative juices.
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