I went to a Christmas party to beat all other Christmas parties the other evening! It was at Spa Bleu, where I have previously made a name for myself as Most Ignorant Customer. But, not one to be daunted by humiliation, I went anyway, with two girlfriends.
Party-Goers were treated to a variety of Spa Experiences using Aveda products. I was given a 15-minute chair massage, a scalp massage, and 3 hand massages, prior to and after a Caribbean Hand Treatment. My appendages have never been so silky-smooth! A Makeup Demo erased years from my face (or so they told me). And, after participating in a “Tour of the Senses,” I was handed a gift of a little bottle of perfume in my fav-pick scent, called Water.
My girlfriends had facials, and, while I waited for them, I snacked on sushi, and engaged in a wine tasting. The evening was rhapsody! We left in a delirium of Scent And Peaceful Relaxation.
It was a study of Marketing Brilliance! I ended up buying their Aveda Plum lip gloss, and a bunch of other products I had no idea I’d needed. I’m also going to call and book another Full-Body Massage. And this time, I won’t be a dim-wit.
It sounds spa-tacularly spa-riffic.
Hope your massage is spa-sm free!
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