Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Gift To Be Simple

My young child’s innocence…...its sweetness……I want to bottle it up, treasure it, and hold it tightly to my heart. But even as I celebrate its unblemished shine, I grieve the thought of its eventual transformation into awareness…..worldliness……self consciousness. It’s inevitable.

But for now, Little Squirt believes he can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, heal a broken heart with a Band-Aid application, reapply a fallen rose petal, and resurrect a deceased child. When I told him I was going to a funeral because a friend’s young daughter had passed away, he joyously said, “Let me go with you! I’ll take her by the hand and say, “Get up!” just like Jesus did. It’ll work, Mom. Then she’ll be okay.” If only.

And today, after explaining that we didn’t need to go to school because he has three days off, he said, “If I find a wishing well, I will wish that every day is a school day.”

He lives in a world where wishing wells and Tooth Fairies are real. Where death is only temporary; just a fleeting condition like a cold. Where Mommies and Daddies stay married forever, and a spritz over his bed of Chanel #5 will keep monsters at bay. He snuggles warmly under his covers without a care in the world, knowing to the core of his being that he is deeply loved.

Today, as he snuggled on my lap, I smelled his little boy scent of watermelon shampoo, fresh air and sweat. I breathed deeply, cherishing the fragrance of innocence, wishing I could capture this moment forever.


Anonymous said...

Excellent blog!

Anonymous said...

Between the lines is sadness, as a mother knows her child is begining to grow.