Friday, October 24, 2008

"A Complicated Woman" Anniversary

Last year week was the one-year anniversary of my blog. I intended to write a post on exactly that very day, but things got crazy around my household and so it never happened. Sadly, the blog is the first to go when my day is overwhelmed with busyness. And writing keeps my soul healthy. It’s a conundrum. I need to write yet I have no time to write. Go figure.

On that note- in reviewing the past year of "A Complicated Woman," I’ve noticed that my postings have dwindled dramatically. Abysmally dramatically. One reason for this is because, candidly, it is an excruciatingly painful season for me for some very personal reasons. So my Fun-O-Meter is reading in the negatories. There are days when I consider blogging authentically from my heart, but, my goodness, I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer and send you running for Prozac afterwards. I’d rather make you laugh and bring you joy. Life is difficult enough right now with the bad economy and all, and I don’t want to contribute to anyone’s melancholy mood. Or have you worry that I am going to become a tragic Sylvia Plath-like figure. Which I am not. I have hope within me.

Another reason for my recent low volume of postings is that I broke my right ring finger when I caught it on a bread basket at the market. The splint is too large and cumbersome to wear comfortably, so I’ve been not wearing it, and trying to hold it straight on my own. But I often forget and bend the finger, and it is quite painful…..blahblahblah…too much information… summarize my long-windedness: It’s been difficult to type.

Now on to The Gratitude Portion of this post. Thank you. Thank you for reading my blog over the past year! You have been extremely encouraging and gracious, and I am beyond humbled that you stop by. (Especially to the Train James’ Boys. You know who you are.) It took me two years to work up the courage to start a blog. It felt so self-promoting. And one of my pet peeves is the Shameless Self-Promoter. She ranks right up there in my book with the Entitled Narcissist. The self-absorbed among us really irk me for reasons that I don't know but should discuss with my therapist. And having a blog felt like I might be perceived that way. But I decided that it would be good accountability for me to discipline myself to write on a regular basis. So I began to blog for my own pleasure, and therapy, and desire to chronicle the lives of my family. So I hope, in some small way, I have succeeded in entertaining you…..or making you think or learn more about yourselves through some of my processing. Or point you to God. Or, at the very least, feel better about your day when you read about my son peeing on the dog.

So Happy One Year Anniversary to us. I look forward to continuing my posts over the next year. And I put my stories in the hands of the Master Story-Creator. Who knows what He will weave together?


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary - here's to more posts!

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear, Super Hubs!

I'd like to raise a glass of cheer to you Kelly and give you my own humble thanks for being a positive person, a humorous humorist (so many are far too serious), and a pointer to The Way in a gentle and quiet and comfortable manner, just as C. S. Lewis suggested.

I regularly read only 4 blogs and yours is the best by far. The others don't even come up to the level of your designer heels. Too, you have definitely and steadily improved! How can this be possible?! You are certainly blessed and you are also a blessing.

Thank you very much!

Kelly said...

Thank you, Jim! Someday SH and I will make our way to St. Louis...

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog. I must share that you have been an inspiration to me. As you mentioned in your blog, many people use there writing to write and in the process inspire, honor God and minister to other through your life. Thank you.
I also find these days difficult both on the economic level as well as the time of life being a women. Everything changes phsically as well as dynamics of our families. It is a time of saying goodbye, sending family members to start on their own and reorienting ourselves. God used your blog to comfort me and inspire me as I struggle today with the times.

Anonymous said...

Kelly I may not comment every time, but I do follow your post. The post where your daughter saw the poor and homeless is still in my mind, too bad it could not have been put in print.

Kelly said...

Thank you all! =)