Having Rock Star in high school now, Super Hubs and I have essentially lost our Friday evening Date Nights. Between football games and guitar jams and parties, our teens have calendars packed with social agendas. Which is good. That is how high school should be. But it leaves Little Squirt with nary a babysitter. So our Date Nights have morphed into stolen moments or practical opportunities when the kids are in school; “Date Taco Lunches” or “Date Grocery Shopping” or “Date Let’s Just Sip Coffee and Read the Papers.” We try to be flexible and take what we can get.
The other morning, with a 2-hour window when Little Squirt was in school and Super Hubs was working from home, we headed up to Woodstock Square, a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump from our home. I adore this historic town, with it’s old Opera House, gazebo, artsy shops and French creperie. This is the location where the movie, “Groundhog Day,” was filmed.
We ate a breakfast sandwiches of sausage in French toast pockets and sipped hot café au lait while watching people walk The Square. Then we browsed the shops, where I bought a blue ceramic choker. The air was crisp, the leaves were beginning to color, and it was bliss.
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