Sunday, October 12, 2008

What's Up With Her Buying A Lamborghini?

I believe I am having a crisis, of sorts. The Travel-Into-Another-Era type. The Middling-On-The-Timeline-Of-My-Life kind. One marked by transitions, turning points, and the desire to rebel by eating junk food for breakfast. Okay, I’ll quit hedging and just say it. I AM HAVING A MID-LIFE CRISIS! And I intend to enjoy every minute. Because they can actually be a little fun. I can act in bizarre and immature ways, and it’ll all be excused with a wink and a nod and the whispering of: “She’s having The Crisis. Just humor her, and pretend she looks great in those skinny jeans and nose ring.”

Mid-Life Crisis, from what I’m learning, are not All Bad. They can be an excellent time of exploration about oneself, and reevaluating the trajectory of one’s life. They are a time of opportunity. They needn’t be harmful or destructive, or an episode of Desperate Housewives. I don’t plan on spending my daughter’s college fund on implants, or leaving my loyal and faithful husband for a 20-year-old buff Cabana Boy named Sven.

I am finding fellow Crisis Travelers among some of my women friends, and realizing that we are all dealing with this season in a different way. For example, I have a friend who is lusting for adventure. She recently went on a girl’s weekend where they white-water rafted by day, and then drank wine until the wee hours. And in a few months, she’s going to go Tree Top Trekking. Tree Top Trekking is apparently an aerial adventure in the tops of trees using ropes and suspended bridges. Then you sleep in hammocks, much like Tarzan and Jane. Well, good for her, I say. That’s just not me. I’d prefer to have My Crisis in a four-star hotel with a hot tub and room service. But to each her own.

My Mid-Life Crisis is so far causing me to have feelings of restlessness. And wondering what the rest of my life should be like. And terror that I will end up looking like my Aunt Millie. And I am finding myself contemplating the application of a little tattoo to mark the moment. And I fantasize about spending the evening clubbing rather than homework helping. Or having a complete image makeover and dying my hair a vibrant shade of red. Just little, teeny acts of rebelliousness. Or independence.

I’ll keep you posted on my journey. And I’m open to suggestions. And if anyone wants to join my on my Mid-Life-ing Adventures, just let me know. We'll do it together.


Anonymous said...

Hmm I doubt if you want to hear what thats like from a mans point of view, but you'll make it. And don't worry about looking like aunt Millie cause you will.

Anonymous said...

I'm in - I'm seeing something expensive with flanged wheels and a whistle (-D Or maybe some expensive tool I'll use once a year, like a dedicated mortiser?