Friday, November 21, 2008

Charlie Bit My Finger- Again!

As a mother, I have some regrets. I wish I’d held my tongue longer, made better food choices, visited more zoos. I regret listening to my mother more than my own intuition, being afraid to confront a certain kindergarten teacher, and making my daughter wear those red party shoes. In retrospect, they were hideous.

But my single biggest regret is that I did not raise my kids in the United Kingdom. Those British accents are just The Bomb, especially in Little Ones! I could listen to them all the live long day. My sister-in-law just moved to London with her husband, and I am sorely hoping they have children soon. I would love to have little nieces and nephews that “queue up,” eat “bangers and mash” and have to go to the “loo.”

Little children are so precious. I just love them! They are good medicine to my soul. Butterfly has been sharing with me her favorite You-Tube videos of kids. This one has become one of my favs, too. Have you seen it?
Enjoy and cheerio!

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