Although we were a little lax on their frequency over the past few months, Super Hubs and I have now reinstituted our weekly Date Night. The past few Friday nights we have been visiting restaurants all over town, and trying out their bars. Not because we are Pathetic Middle-Aged Party Animal Losers, mind you, but because People Watching is one of our favorite pastimes.
There is something that feels a little scandalous about sitting at “The Bar” every week, and my inner rebel loves to brush elbows with the company of other inner rebels. Super Hubs and I observe, eavesdrop, make up stories about our Restaurant Bar Neighbors, and always have a jolly time of it. And sometimes we join in on conversations, because Restaurant Bar People are generally the social sort. And that appeals to my Outer Extrovert. It is WAY more fun than just getting a table. And I get such a kick out of watching the bartender mix the drinks.
Another reason we are doing the Restaurant Bar Tour in our town is because I am in search of the bar that makes the perfect Dirty Martini, my favorite cocktail. I like it icy-cold, straight up, with just the right amount of “dirty.” And if they serve it with the primo blue-cheese-stuffed olives, it is all the more spectacular. I order only one Dirty Martini, because one is all I need. If I have two, a throbbing hangover is in my future. So I have my Dirty Martini, and Super Hubs has his beer, and we usually order an appetizer or two to nibble on. Or a basket of fries with a side of ranch dressing.. Because ranch dressing is the ultimate fry-dipping condiment. It kicks ketchup to the curb.
And then we catch up. Last night we discussed kittens. (Do I accept a tiny black orphan kitten offered by a friend? S.H. voted for “no.”) And Christmas. (Do we spend it in Connecticut again this year, or stay home and save money? We decided to go. To heck with the budget.) So we talk, uninterrupted. And, with three kids at home, uninterrupted talk is a phenomenon.
The Weekly Date night. I highly recommend it.
1 comment:
Sounds like a great time, wish we had a good sitter. Maybe in a year or so when the kids are older.
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