Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sabbathing, Kelly-Style

In an attempt to live a more peaceful existence, I am committing to incorporate a weekly Sabbath into my life. It’s either that or Xanax Smoothies for breakfast. Truly. I generally am so thinly spread because of lifestyle choices I’ve made, so I tend to enter the week from a state of exhaustion and depletion. Not good.

I have felt strongly that a Sabbath is a step that God wants me to take in this New Year. A weekly Day Of Rest. How very kind of Him! Because that is exactly what my body and soul has been craving. A day to pause. Breathe. Relax. Not run around like a crazy banty chicken. And it actually is a Commandment, is it not? So I am going to try to practice a Sabbath every Saturday from sunrise to sundown.

Today was my first attempt at a Sabbath. I lingered with a cup of coffee and the paper. I made a tranquil trip to the library. I took a nap with my cat. Read. Had a “sword fight” my youngest. Wrote. Puttered around. Exercised. But I kept wondering, “Am I doing this right?” What exactly should I do or not do? I wanted my Sabbath to be executed in faultless fashion. Was it wrong that I made my bed? Blow-dried my hair? Cleaned up cat vomit?? The good Pioneer folks in the “Little House” books of my childhood practiced the Sabbath by reading the Bible in straight-backed chairs and eating cold salt pork. Should I be doing that?

The perfectionist in me is rearing her ugly head and I am feeling a compulsion to study a Sabbath tutorial. Although…….the sun is beginning to go down and my Sabbath is nearing an end……and I am feeling rested…..refreshed…..refilled. Almost ready to jump-start my busy week tomorrow. So perhaps I Sabbathed correctly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)