I picked up Little Squirt from school yesterday, buckled him into the car seat, and handed him his Tuesday treat of Skittles.
Me: “How was your day today, buddy?”
LS: “Oh…not very good.”
Me: “Why not?”
LS: “It was a very sad day. Somebody died.”
Me: (with dismay) “Somebody died?? Who died?!”
LS: “He was a friend of Mrs. Rubin’s. She read about him in a book.”
Me: “Who was it?”
LS: “A man with a beard who got shot in the head in the movie theater.”
Me: “Was the man’s name Abraham Lincoln?”
LS: (astonished) “How did you know that, Mom?? You’re sooo smart!!”
So, even though "the word on the street" is that I am in my “winter years” with a crone-ish voice, my six-year-old believes my brain to be still functioning at full capacity. He actually thinks I’m smart!
Well. You could look at it that way. Or you could assume that he thinks you are old enough to remember the assassination?
Ha - too funny! You don't even remember when Reagan was president, do you? :-^
Kids are hilarious, aren't they?
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