Sometimes it’s the purchase of a new purse that does it for me. Or the organization of my cutlery drawer. It’s those little changes that lead me to bigger changes. If my cutlery drawer is organized, I’ll want to organize the plate cabinet as well….and then the pantry…..and then, before I know it, I have a well-ordered, sparkly kitchen complete with future menu plans in plastic pocket protectors. It’s similar to giving the Moose the Muffin. That’s the way I work.
It was that way with my blog yesterday. I decided it needed some spicing up. It was feeling “tired” to me and needed a change, and I finally took the time to make that happen. I chose a new template, swished thing around, removed some things old and added some things new, and played around with color. And now that “A Complicated Woman” has had a bit of a makeover, it is leading me to want to fill my blog with stories. I want to write more regularly, which is a soul-filling experience for me. I’ve allowed too much “chaff” to get in the way.
Hmmm. Blog Makeover = Soul Makeover? Just as I shape my blog to reflect who I am, I am feeling God shaping my soul to reflect more of who He is in this New Year. He’s burning away the chaff. Out with some old and in with some new. He’s swishing things around, and shaping and molding and adding new color. And I’m trying my darndest to cooperate with Him and do my part, which might involve letting go of some old patterns and old relationships and old activities. But it's all good. “Simplicity is Mine in '09.”
So on I go….
old relationships?
you are firing all your friends, aren't you ...
Oooh no!! I was hoping people wouldn't get stuck on that....
Not YOU, Ron. I'm keeping you as my friend.
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