The wonderful Super Hubs surprised me and the kids with a Spring Break trip to Az! And how timely this surprise was, what with our house being torn about for the past month. Living in constant chaos was starting to get to me. It really was. I was getting cranky. And pale. I needed sun. And warmth. And when I get a chance to sit down for a minute, I will blog about my trip in greater detail. But right now I need to run out to a campfire with my kids and make s'mores.
I'll summarize my day with an equation: Sunshine + 80s = A Happy Me
Hey, be sure to cut down one of those cool cacti and take it home with you. they love it when you do that. really. honest. would i lie? :)
Ah, paradise. Might be interesting trying to fit the cactus on the plane ("you really dont want to sit there")
The cacti are adorable! I really would like to bring one home. Would they pass airport security?
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