Tuesday, March 10, 2009

HIding Hobbit

Dang, but yesterday was crazy....

We finally had the Restoration Workerbees back after several weeks of a standstill, in which we were waiting for our Insurance Co. to issue us a check. That done, we had to have said check signed by our Mortgage Co., which took a multitude of phone calls and lengthy explainations and listening to bad elevator music in their automated voice message system which tested our patience to the endth degree. Finallly we received the endorsed check and called the Workerbees back in. Whew.

So Super Hubs and I spent the day running home-restoration errands, and buying a new chandelier, and cleaning up sawdust to no avail. The more we’d clean, the more sawdust appeared. We made no progress, kind of like running in water. We also tried to keep two sick children comfortable and out of the way of the Workerbees, who put up dry wall in all the water-damaged rooms.

I headed to a movie with some girlfriends early in the evening, in the hopes of a bit of refreshment. We shared a Mexican dinner and some laughs, but the movie was dark and violent and depressing. I left with a pall over my soul, and the desire to scrub it out with a brillo pad, and then do something sweet and innocent, like frolic with lambs and butterflies. And hold little babies. I didn’t get to do any of those things, but it probably would have helped.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....Super Hubs put the feverish Little Squirt to bed, and heard a faint meowing. Then louder meowing, and scratching. He wandered around the second floor, opening closets and doors, trying to find the source of the noise. Back in Little Squirt’s bedroom, the mysterious meowing graduated into howling and seemed to come from his interior wall. For the love of All Things Feline, our idiot cat, Hobbit, had gotten herself dry-walled into the wall! Our tabby is, on her best day, not the brightest of cats. A couple fries short of a Happy Meal. But my gosh, what was she thinking when the workers began nailing dry wall to her hideout?? Clearly not, “I’d best exit immediately.”

I did not witness any of this. I was at the movie at that time, nibbling on Reese’s Peanutbutter eggs which I’d sneaked in my purse. So I missed the whole, sordid Cat-In-The-Wall episode. I was really lucky. Because seeing Super Hub’s face as he realized he’d need to spend hours removing dry wall to rescue a dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks cat, would not have been pretty. Just sayin’.


Ron said...

Hmmm. Must be God's judgement for your sneaking candy into the theatre!

Actually, this is one of the funniest true stories I've heard in a while. And Debbie cracked up at your "fries short of a happy meal" line. (She doesn't get out much...)

Glad it all worked out well. That would have been ugly in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Kelly...this made me LOL at work!Now that is a hilarious story. I took a few minutes of rest from work to catch up on your writing. Thanks for sharing your words. I appreciate your writing. Very inspiring...