I am up to my ears in Thank You Note Writing. This chore has been hanging over my head since my Surprise Party like the Sword of Damocles, and that isn’t meant as a complaint. I am writing my notes joyfully, because I am grateful to each and every adored friend that came to my party. But I’ve been crazy-busy and feel guilty that I haven’t gotten my Thank You Notes written as promptly as I should. With each day that has passed, my guilt has felt like the Sword of Damocles swinging lower and lower, until I can almost feel the hairs on the top of my head blow in its breeze.
Today I finished almost all of the 20-some-odd notes. But here’s the odd circumstance (and point of my post, in case you were wondering): In addressing these Thank You notes, I have been all over my Rolodex. And I clearly need to update said Rolodex, because I have old addresses in there from friends’ addresses two houses ago. (Back when the housing market was a boom.)
But here is the strangest thing of all: I found in my Rolodex the name and address of a family that I cannot for the life of me remember! And Super Hubs cannot remember them either. How does that happen? This Rolodex is only slightly older than Little Squirt, and each name and address in it has been hand-written by me. And each person that is in my Rolodex is obviously in there because we had a relationship of some form at some point. I don’t just put the odd, random person in my Rolodex. They are people I will regularly call. Or visit. Or at the very least, send an annual Christmas card to. They have earned their place in my Rolodex.
So how does it happen that I once had a relationship with this “K” Family from Lawrence, Kansas, and now their very existence is a complete blank to me and my spouse? Honestly! Super Hubs and I have been wracking our brains, trying to remember them, and all we come up with is nothing. How would we know this family from Kansas? And are they wondering why they haven’t heard from us lately? Should I drop them a breezy card, asking for an update and picture? It’s a big mystery.
So, if you are from Lawrence, Kansas, and your last name begins with “K”, and you happen across this post and recognize my picture, I deeply apologize that you haven’t heard from us in a while. But if you kindly just let me know who you are, and the nature of our relationship, I promise you we will pick right up where we left off........Or not.
You own a computer ... and you still use a Rolodex? I'll bet your journal is a pen and paper too.
The Rolodex is where it's AT! Convenient for the whole family to use. (Provided you keep it updated.)
(And remember everyone in it.)
Computers tend to lose things. I still like pencil and paper too.
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