Give him the title “First Grader” and he cops an attitude! Little Squirt believes he’s All That with his GI Joe back pack and his big first grade open-and-close desk. He was too cool to allow me to take many pictures on his first day of First Grade, and didn’t even look back when he walked from my car ino the school building in the rain. He adores his cute young teacher and proudly showed her his missing teeth. He cannot wait for his first full day tomorrow, when he will get to purchase lunch at school and chocolate milk. (Let me repeat myself in case you went all ADD on me.) CHOCOLATE MILK! That is a rare treat for Little Squirt and he is beside himself with excitement!
Rock Star began his Sophomore year with little fanfare. He refused to allow me to take pics to mark the milestone, so you’ll just have use your imagination. (Bullhead jeans, white Hollister t, and a cloud of Axe body spray.) He hasn’t told me much about his classes, but I’ve heard about all the Lunch Drama. (Who sat with whom, who refused to sit with whom, who spit milk through their nose, etc. The crucial stuff of High School.)
And Butterfly. Oh my. She is stretching her wings and getting ready to fly off to college this weekend. I am keeping myself from spiraling into desolation by staying in Task-Mode. We’ve bought everything on her “What To Bring To College’” checklist, and I can no longer see my diningroom table. It is piled with dorm ware. I’ve relished the ordinary moments of hanging with her this week. We’ve seen a movie, had a few meals out, and just co-existed. I am painfully aware of the impending big hole in our home and my heart next week when she is living two states away.
Oohh firsts!!
It's amazing how time grinds on despite the weight of change he bears;
His burly shoulders show no strain, as he buries memory in years.
I hope you are saving all these blogs somewhere permanent to share with the kids years from now, Kelly. One of these days, they'll be our thirtysomethings and will finally get it.
Ahh, yes. Ohio. The state so friendly it says "HI" in the middle.
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