thirtysomething was just released on DVD! This thrills my heart and will be more effective than a sunlamp in getting me through the dreary winter months. I am beyond elated!
thirtysomething was my favorite show in the 4-year 87-91 span that it aired. I was young; in my early twenties. In those four years, my life morphed from being single to marriage to new motherhood. And I looked to those characters as being role models. It was like a fascinating glimpse into my future. I viewed The Thirties as older, wiser and more sophisticated, and I watched with fascination as the characters plowed through terrritory I would soon be camping in.
Critics of the show panned it for having characters that were whiny and self-indulgent. But I thought it was authentic. We marrieds understand that real couples sometimes argue about ridicuous, insignificant things. One the worst fights that Super Hubs and I ever had involved dry spaghetti and the garbage disposal. I’ll say no more.
I saw the writers deal responsibly with big issues like infidelity, infertility and cancer, but they also kept it all real and covered day-to-day life. The characters stressed about finances, parenting, and mother-in-laws. I liked the friendships, the candor, the real-life scenerios. And they had great clothes!
So if anyone is making out their Christmas list and a’wonderin’ what to get me, I’ll make it easy for you. thirtysomething.
1 comment:
I was in my 30's and I use to dream about Hope.
Don't ask.
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