I have spent the past week getting my boys ready for school. I have gone through their closets and drawers paring down, systemetizing, organizing, and sorting through. I’ve gotten their outfits ready for school next week. Then I took them on a shopping excursion to buy some new shoes and school supplies. After a total of 10 hours of SoloWomanPower: They.Are.Ready.
The thing is....they could care less! While I feel greatly relieved that their bedrooms willl begin the school year clean and orderly, neither of them has any concern whatsoever whether or not their clothes fit or match or if they have enough #2 pencils in cute little plastic boxes. How un-fun is that?? I don’t get boys! Not at all.
My girl is way more school-fun. She’ll have every outfit ready with it’s precisely coordinated scarf or bauble. She’ll carefully choose each folder color according to the “feeling” that particular class evokes. (Black for math because it is akin to death.) She relishes getting ready for each school year, seeing it as a Opportunity. Opportunity to meet new boys and potentially be voted “Best Dressed.” She has been zealously planning the decor of her college dorm room since middleschool.
The boys are different. Little Squirt’s only concern is lunch. That A.) He’ll get to buy it each day, and B.) It’ll always be pizza.
Rock Star feels no enthusiasm for beginning his Sophomore year whatsoever. He truly would rather have the summer last indefinitely. We took the kids out for dinner last night. We discussed our expectations and hopes and optimism for the year ahead. We asked each child what they most looked forward to this school year. Rock Star’s answer:
“The last day before summer break.”
Rock star is going to be a youth pastor.
If only! (I sure hope you're prophetic, Ron!)
Easy answer, Women like to plot and plan. Think of any event that needs a plan and a woman will start planning on the spot. Guy's don't really find planning all that big a deal. They don't need it, just ok let's go.
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