Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chasing Lions

Written for the teen ministry at Willow Creek McHenry County Church.

I’m not gonna lie; I’m not the most courageous person on the planet. I dread confrontation. I cower from spiders. I sleep with a fireplace poker under my bed. And I’ve never considered fighting a lion in a pit on a snowy day. (I’d at least wait until summer. And then find a hunter with a gun.)

Benaiah was a warrior in the Old Testament who chased a lion into a pit of snow, and then fought and killed him. Because of his bravery, King David honored him by putting him in charge of the bodyguard.

I’m probably never going to have to fight a real lion. The closest thing I’ll ever come to that, most likely, is giving my cranky cat a bath. But reading about Benaiah’s story makes me ponder. Hmmm. What kind of “lions” do I face in my 21st Century American Life?

One “lion” came in the form of a relationship a few years back. I felt God drawing me to befriend a person that others said I shouldn’t. There were rumors circulating about her that were negative, and I was worried that they were true. Lots of people started distancing themselves from me once I began hanging out with her, which made me fear rejection from them. But I trusted God and kept moving toward this new friend. And I am so glad I took that risk, because so many blessings came out of my friendship with her. She introduced me to some incredible new relationships and experiences that benefited both me and my family. And through our friendship, she felt God’s love for her through me.

Moving toward that new friend felt to me like facing a lion in a pit, but it was also an opportunity; an opportunity to trust God, face some fears, and take a risk. And I have never regretted it. There have been other “lions” in my life that I am glad I did not run from.
They have come in the form of adopting babies from foreign countries, confronting difficult people, auditioning for dramatic roles, starting new jobs and facing financial decisions. Everytime I prayerfully took a risk and faced that “lion,” God worked in my life. And even if the end result wasn’t what I would have chosen, God used it for good.

There are still a few “lions” looming in my vision that I haven’t yet been able to face. But armed with faith in God and the love of supportive people in my life, I hope to jump into those “pits” someday soon.

How about you? Prayerfully consider if there is a challenge in your life God might be asking you to confront. Consider being a “Lion Chaser.” And expect God to work in your life!

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