I took Rock Star to see his Orthopedist because of an issue he was having with his knee. Little Squirt accompanied us, carrying his portable art case which tags along on most outings. While we were waiting, he pulled out some paper and crayons, and asked to play “school” with me.
When the doctor entered the room, I told Little Squirt that’d I couldn’t play with him anymore. To which he responded with a pitiful look and a hurt, “It wasn’t a game, Mom.” And then, while the orthopedist reviewed the xrays, my son handed me a paper on which he’d written an “F.” Apparently I’d failed motherhood. Oy! I've never failed anything in my life!! And to add insult to injury, he then told me, dramatically, “If the doctor would take an xray of my heart right now, he’d see that it has broken into a million pieces.”
Oh the shame. An F at play school.
You have a time out coming.
Hahaha - love it, how funny!
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