Sometimes God’s kindness shows up in the most unique of forms. I’ve been engaging in a daily practice of reviewing my day, and noticing where I felt loved. For what moment am I the most grateful?
The answer of the other day showed crystal clear in the form of the Recyling Dude. And it was all because of Columbus. Columbus Day confused me. I thought that since it was a federal holiday, the Garbage and Recycling Collectors would be a day late. So I was surprised when I heard a large truck barreling down the street. I ran down the driveway, and saw the Recycling Dude emptying my next door neighbors’ cans into his truck. He waved a greeting to me, as I raced up to the garage to wheel down my recycling bin.
Then, wondering if the Garbage Collector would be arriving soon as well, I raced back into the house to empty my wastebaskets. I then ran back outside to see the Recycling Dude wheeling my bin all the way up my driveway and into my garage. “Thanks for the extra service!” I exclaimed. “No problem,” he said, smiling. “But I think they already collected the garbage on the street.” He paused. “But I’ll throw it into my truck if you’d like!”
I started. “You can put my garbage in your recyling truck??” I exclaimed. He winked. “I’ll do it if you keep it our little secret. It’ll save you from having to wait another week.” And with that, he grabbed my garbage can, tossed the trash into his truck, and then wheeled it back into my garage.
“You are The Man!” I yelled happily. “And you are The Woman!” he said, and hopped onto his truck and roared away.
A Recycling Dude who gives garage-side service and takes my garbage to boot.....Go him!! A gift of love, in the most unlikely of forms.
I promise I will keep my end of our bargain, and not tell anyone this little secret. It’s the least I can do.
I know you will tell someone. A woman cannot keep a secret. Just can't do it.
Yeah, cause it would be really wrong to like ... you know ... tell the world. Like on the web or something. You probably couldn't live with yourself ....
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