I posted about chasing lions yesterday, but I actually spent the day chasing pumpkins. The pumpkin is my “lion,” so to speak, because I’m in big trouble with Little Squirt if I don’t find one and soon!
My son had a pumpkin; a great big pumpkin, which he proudly picked out and polished several weeks ago, and made elaborate plans to decorate. We parked it in front of the fireplace to await it’s primping. And then I had company for dinner a few nights later, and lit a fire in the fireplace. I was so excited about the homey, autumn atmosphere I’d created that I forgot to move Little Squirt’s pumpkin away from the heat. So there it sat, roasting in the heat of the flames, it’s backside turning to pudding.
So Little Squirt was sad and angry and it wasn’t a proud parenting moment for me. But I promised to buy him a new pumpkin, and all was forgiven. And yesterday, it suddenly dawned on me that Halloween was coming up quickly, and we had better get that pumpkin. Super Hubs and I went shopping yesterday, and, to our dismay, this is what we discovered: Pumpkins are gone from the stores. They sold out. We raced from one side of town to the other and could not find a pumpkin anywhere in town! It was beyond fwustwating.
Today I am heading out to a farm, and will have to traipse through the soggy, wet fields in the rain to find a pumpkin for Little Squirt. Otherwise, there’s gonna be big, big trouble. I can feel it.
I'll bet he'd settle for a snickers bar. part of parenting is the art of negotiation.
Hope the search was successful!
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