Monday, November 23, 2009

CT OR Bust Out The Airborne

The Bad Timing Illness has hit our family. Little Squirt came down with a fever and cough on Saturday night, and I followed suit by Sunday. And today we packed up the mini-van and headed east to spend the holiday with the ‘rents. We’ve decided to share the wealth of our germies with the state of Connecticut. It seems fair. Last time I was there I caught a cold, so we’ll call it even.

I settled my feverish self down into the shotgun seat and slept for the first 2 hours of the trip. I coughed and hacked my way through our dinner at McDonalds, the upside being that I cleared tables in a jiffy and so we got our pick.

Now we are safely ensconced in our little hotel in my daughter’s college town in OH where we will spend the night.
My favorite things about this place:
1.) My daughter brings all her college friends over to swim, and management is fine with that.
2.) They serve complimentary hot drinks, and I am sucking down the orange spice tea at present.
3.) Their killer breakfast.

So tomorrow we will cross another 4 states into Connecticut. I’m hoping for a smooth and healthy journey. And I’m grateful I’ll have my daughter in the car with us!

1 comment:

Ron said...

honk at Cleveland for me as you go by. and please ask Doug to give them that "special" salute. He'll know the one I mean.

Praying you feel better and have a great family time!