I have odd pets. They say that animals take on the personality of their owners. If that’s true......hmmm.....
I took the Hairy Dachshund in for a Spa Day. His long hair was tangled and unruly because he refuses to brush it, and therefore was dragging in leaves and twigs from the backyard. They were getting all over my floors and making me insane. So I took him in for a trim and a pedi, which was a feat in itself, mostly because the dog won't leave my house except to potty. He’s the only canine I know who deplores walks. When he saw me get out his leash, he hid under the bed. And trying to get him into the car was nearly impossible. I pushed him in; he hopped out; I pushed him in; he hopped out. What finally worked was keeping a viselike grip on his scruff while quckly slamming the door with my other hand. He then spent the entire car ride howling, trying to climb on my lap, and piddling on the seat.
By the time we got to the Spa, I was in need of a spa. And was the dog grateful that I was treating him to a trim and a pedi? Absolutely not. While I signed him in, he tried to escape out the door. When the groomer came to collect him, he showed her his backside and refused to make eye contact.
But it was well worth all the fuss. In a couple of hours, my dog was transfomed from a long-haired dachshund to a short-haired one with an attitude. He pranced back into our home and paraded his new ‘do in front of the cats. I think they’re jealous.
You show them, Rudy!
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man!
Poor Rudy, at the very least he deservd a glass of wine after such an ordeal.
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