I love New York City: The hurry-scurry, ethnic-diversity, culturally-rich, uppity-attitude of it all. It is so very Not Chicago, and I love Chicago with all my heart. New York is different. It is immense and grand with a Roller-Coaster-Ride Feel.
On Wednesday, we took the train from Stamford to Grand Central Station, and walked right into Build-A-Bear at Little Squirt's insistence. He wanted a "new best friend," and promptly made a black teddy which he dressed in Darth Vader gear and named, with great creativity and thought, "Darth Vader." We then walked up 5th Avenue to Rockefeller Center. We watched them put the finishing touches on the great Christmas tree, which will be ceremoniously lit next week. The weather was slightly misty but warm, and we stood for a while, watching the skaters.
We strolled through Times Square and stopped long enough for Butterfly to take a picture with The Naked Cowboy. I have to give the cowboy credit! He has found his shtick and made it work for him. He wears cowboy boots, whitey-tighties and carries a guitar, strategically placed. He charges $1 a picture. He has been on numerous tv shows and once even ran for mayor of New York City, before withdrawing from the race. He was actually quite charming. His monetary success has made me ponder potential job possibilities for myself in Chicago. Hmmm....Housewife Wearing A Bathrobe on Navy Pier?
Our day in New York concluded with a pizza dinner on 44th Street with Super Hub's charming cousin, Krista. Pizza Margherita is my absolute favorite, and tastes especially yummy in The Big Apple. Go figure.
I think that is a most creative job opportunity. Navy Pier needs attractions.
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