Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Over The River And Through The Woods...

It was a nightmare-ishly long drive yesterday, but without incident. It was great to have Butterfly back in the car with us. It felt complete. Listening to the two teens argue from the backseat...ahh....that's how it is supposed to be. Good times.

We drove through four states to get to our destination. Little Squirt asked twelve bazillion times: "Are we in Grandma's country yet??" There were crazy scary drivers on the road, reading kindles and shaving whiskers and drifting into our lane. For serious- it was a free-for-all. And we hit insane rush hour traffic in New Jersey. But we finally reached the George Washington bridge; the gateway to years of family memories. Driving across the Hudson and viewing the evening Manhattan skyline was life-giving. I love New York!

We pulled into my mother-in-law's Connecticut driveway a short time later and piled into her home with the subtlety of a nuclear bomb. Little Squirt skated across her hardwood floors: "I LOVE Grandma's house! The floors are so slippery!" And later, gorging on her homemade ziti with meatballs, we unwound.

It is good to be in our Home-Away-From-Home. I have over 20 years of memories of warm, pleasant stays in thie beautiful house in Stamford. And it feels really good to have all three of my children sleeping under my roof again.

1 comment:

super hubs said...

I'm sure "Short time later" translates to 2 hours to go 30 miles.