....why I think my husband is the greatest:
1) He reminds me of my beloved, sweet, kind grandfather. Not in a creepy way, but in a feels-so-comfortable kind of way.
2) He does the math homework with the kids.
3) He is a voracious reader of all genres which makes him one of the most interesting people I know.
4) He believes the best about me and defends me when I need an advocate.
5) He does the vacuuming so I don’t have to.
6) He’ll go see chick flicks with me and pretend to enjoy them. Maybe he actually does?
7) When I wanted to adopt a baby, he said, “Let’s go search the world and find ours.” We did that three times.
8) He got up to feed our babies in the middle of the night when I needed my sleep.
9) He has raised the bar high in the way he loves our daughter. If she chooses to marry a man like her father, she knows she’ll be blessed.
10) He drops what he’s doing to play ball with our sons.
11) He offers to give me a back rub almost every night.
12) He’s a safe listener for me to process my stuff.
13) He encourages my woman-friendships and girls nights out.
14) He truly wants me to pursue my dreams.
15) He is godly. The real deal. This I know to be true.
16) He makes me laugh every day.
17) He has served his church faithfully for 14 years without expecting any thanks.
18) He cares about the well-being of his widowed mother.
19) He brought me my favorite creme brulee for my birthday dessert.
20) He works selflessly for our family.
21) He does all the car and lawn maintenance. You gotta love that about a man.
He is a treasure of a man, and the greatest proof of God’s love for me.
Happy 21st Anniversary, Babe!
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