And I’m back, with a little pop quiz.
And here it is:
I took a little break in blogosphere because I
A) wanted to experience life without writing about it.
B) spent time outdoors in the lilac-scented breezes rather than indoors on my laptop.
C) was in an uncharacteristically private mood.
D) All of the above.
If you guessed D, you are correct and I give you an A+. Be proud. If you guessed any other letter, you are partly correct, so I’ll give you an A for effort because I am nice like that. But be less proud.
But let’s play Catch-Up on a few of my May highlights:
I celebrated Super Hubs’ birthday by serving his favorite Italian beef sandwiches to a few old and dear friends who gave him verbal cards, speaking love and affirmation into his heart.
I went to a 3 day retreat that was so spiritual and meaningful that I struggle to even put words to it. Let’s just say that it’s given me a paradigm shift in how I will do ministry from here on out.
I’ve lavished spending time with Butterfly while the boys are in school; talking, doing yoga, talking about doing yoga, and sharing favorite books. It’s been so good.
I’ve nursed a sick Little Squirt for several days, who demanded little but sprite and marathon Nickelodeon. He seemed to improve over the weekend, and I sent him to school today to enjoy the annual Olympic Day races. Imagine my surprise when his pediatrician’s office called this morning with a positive strep report, forcing me to hunt him down among a sea of blue t-shirts at his school’s Olympic fields. I thought he’d be heart-broken that I dragged him home before lunch, but he was okay with missing Olympic Day when I promised popsicles and more Nickelodeon.
So that’s my May in a nutshell. Throw in some bi-polar weather and the ending of my favorite LOST, and you’ve pretty much got the complete picture. Except for the parts that I’m being private about. (See letter C of pop quiz.)
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