I indulge in an Orgy of Eating while on vacation, which is an important part of my Soul Care Experience. For serious. I believe it’s good, when ever possible, to simply live in the moment.....tasting and enjoying the colors and textures of the food, and being grateful for those pleasures. No worrying about calories, or the price, within reason. Crab bisque, blackened mahi with pineapple salsa, and a crisp savignon blanc was my repast last night. I consumed it at Topside at the Quarterdeck, one of my favorite restaurants in the world. It sits above Harbour Town, and overlooks the sound. Super Hubs and I eat here every single visit to the island, while watching the boats.
We spent another day at the beach, where I finished two more books, took a long walk rescuing sand dollars, spied a horseshoe crab, and buried Little Squirt.
As I viewed the sign at the Lifeguard station this morning, I had an inspiration. What if I got my own big ol’ Lifeguard sign and stuck it in my kitchen, giving family and visitors fair warning on my daily disposition and mental outlook?
On Duty- Me. (Mom.) Duh!
Hours- 8-6:30, then I’m done and punched out for the day. Go bother Dad after that.
High- 8:45am will be my best mood, then it’s all downhill from there.
Low- 4:30p. Got the grumpies. Don’t even talk to me. Slowly back away from The Mommy!
Messages: Be open minded and kind to your siblings. Keep the counter tops clean.
$500 fine for eating food in the living room.
What do you think?
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