It’s Vacation Time- the very best part of my year! Four out of five of us are on the beautiful island of Hilton Head, South Carolina, my home-away-from-home. I have been coming here almost annually since I was nine years old. My grandparents lived on this island, so I grew up spending several weeks here every summer and the occasional Christmas or Spring Break. My grandparents are long gone, as is the quietness of the island. But some of my favorite things here have remained the same for the past 30 years; Harbour Town with its lighthouse and Gregg Russell Live, CQs with it’s fabulous dining, and the spotless beaches. I have been to beaches all over the world, and Sea Pines Beach remains my very favorite.
Butterfly is not here, marking a milestone as our first family vacation without her. She is a collegiate now, and opted to stay home and work, banking money for her next semester. My parents are keeping her company as is our Barky VonShnauzer and the cats, so she’s good. But I miss her. I am maternal to the core of my being, and I feel disquieted when one of my chickadees isn’t in the nest. It feels like I’m missing an appendage, much like the poor starfish I saw on the beach today. But Butterfly is growing up, so I need to let her.
We spent our first vacation day today being peaceful. I really mean it. I refuse to be a Highly Strung Type A Overachiever on this trip, and I told Super Hubs that this very morning. No hurry-scurrying to be the first family on the beach and the proud rulers of the best parking spot. No setting a rigid agenda to make certain every inch of our time is filled with responsible vacation activity.
I want to rest, care for my soul, and find myself again. I’m feeling a little beaten-up. The truest parts of who I am and what I am called to do have been buried behind people-pleasing this past year. I am drained from some dysfunctional relationships, which has made my Joy-Ometer hover at Very Low. Adding to all that is some grief and loss. Super Hubs and I have lost a father, an aunt and an uncle in the past 6 months. It all adds up to Weary Us.
So here’s my daily Vacay Agenda: Love my family and care for my soul. That will mean whatever I feel like it means for the next two weeks. We will enjoy some bike rides, walks on the beach, and a 500 piece puzzle. I will rest, read, pray, and eat fabulous food.
This afternoon I finished a yummy novel from my beach chair. Then Little Squirt and I took a long walk, rescuing beached starfish and sand dollars. It was good. Tonight Super Hubs will take me on a Date Night, and I’m hoping it’ll include fresh seafood. And good wine. Could I be that lucky?
I pray peace to your soul. The kind that only comes when you remember that in the stillness of Jesus you find what really matters ... and you release everything else.
Thanks, friend!
Love hearing the history of going back to a place year after year that brings you so much contentment; all the while learning to accept the shifting sand of life within your family. Be good to yourself!!! :-D
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