Aahhh.....Spring Break. Rock Star is having the time of his life in Boston. I keep getting texts from him, saying things like, “Not coming home ever,” and “Hot girls here. Can I stay longer?” Even though the East Coast has been deluged with a rainstorm to beat all, he is more than content to having his own Parent-less, Brother-less vacay.
Little Squirt has also been relishing being a Lonely Only, and we’ve attempted to plan a daily event. On the first day of his Solo Child Tour, we ate dinner at his favorite pizza restaurant. He told his father, when Super Hubs walked in the door from work, “Dad- good news! I don’t have to set the table because we’re going out for pizza! I get to pick (the kind) and you get to pay!”
We visited Medieval Times where Little Squirt soaked up every bit of the Middle Ages happenings. He wasn’t so fond of eating tomato bisque without a spoon, but he watched the Jousting Performance with wide-eyed wonder and a bit of apprehension. “Did that knight really die??” he exclaimed, brandishing his new light-up blingy sword.
Brunch with the Easter bunny and cousins was how Little Squirt spent Palm Sunday, and Build-A-Bear and Rain Forest Cafe with friends was Monday's agenda. Even with a menagerie of animals to choices, he picked a Camouflage bear to add to his growing collection. He dressed him in a carefully chosen Batman costume, and named him “Luigi.”
Tonight he is having a sleepover at one of my BFF’s home. He calls Lauree his “Fairy Godmother,” and she has a trip for them to a Chicago museum planned for tomorrow. So it’s been a fun and full week for my youngest, and I worry how he is going to adjust back to normal life next week with its ordinariness. Maybe it’ll help if he sticks Luigi in his backpack to accompany him to school.
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