I have been lacking in Pep & Vinegar for most of this week. Super Hubs and I have battled a congested sinusy-thing for a good 10 days, which has caused subsequent sleeplessness. Either I cannot sleep because I cannot breathe, or I cannot sleep because my spouse cannot breathe and therefore snores. I don’t thrive well on little sleep. I get passive and unproductive.
Yesterday I had one and a half cups of coffee when I woke up, and then a bottomless cup of very strong coffee during the two hours I was at church meetings. My cup was never quite empty; I just adding a little more coffee and a little more cream and so forth. By the time I got home, I realized I was strung out on caffeine. I experienced jitters, a racing mind, and I couldn’t relax enough to read the paper. My frizzly-jizzly self broke a glass while cleaning up the kitchen. I jumped about the house with grand schemes to accomplish much, but I couldn’t seem to concentrate long enough to get anything done.
We had friends over for dinner that evening, and I was still wired those five hours later. I felt like Tigger on speed, although my bouncing now took the form of verbal diarrhea; talking rapidly with stream-of-conscience wordiness. I had an out-of-body experience in which I could see my Highly Caffeinated Tigger-On-Speed Self yammering away to my friends about everything without taking a breath, and I wanted to yell, “Shut up, already!” but my Tigger-On-Speed Self paid absolutely no mind. My poor, long-suffering friends.
My mind was still a live wire up until around 5 this morning, when I suddenly crashed, right in time to get up for the day. (Big sigh.) Now I’m foggy-brained and passive and lethargic. I considered drinking coffee to revitalize my Pep & Vinegar, but I don’t want to create the same vicious cycle. I think that yesterday I used up all my allotted energy for the month. It’s all downhill from here. I’m getting on my Eeyore.
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