I know the secret to a long and happy marriage, I believe. No, it is not separate sinks in the bathroom. Although that does help. If I have to rinse out Super Hubs’ whiskers one more time……..but I digress. No, it is not regular……..private activity. Although that is nice. But I will not discuss certain topics in my blog that I would be embarrassed, as a former Catholic, to have Sister Mary Thomas read about. (Should she have Internet access from her convent. And read blogs in her spare time.)
I will save you thousands of dollars in marriage counseling by telling you: If you are married, jealously guard a regular Date Night. I have shared in posts past that Super Hubs and I get out alone weekly, usually on Friday nights. And it has transformed out relationship. Our marriage used to be good, but now it is better. WAY better. We often go to a restaurant, because, not only do we enjoy eating out, but we can talk without distraction. And listen to each others’ hearts. We become a couple again, not two roommates vying for time and attention in competition with three children and all of their needs. We remember why we fell in love.
Today I was feeling physically and emotionally depleted for a variety of reasons, so I was especially looking forward to a night out with my husband. Little Squirt helped make pizza for himself and his siblings, which required a great deal of Little Squirt time. He was quite persnickety about cooking independently; painsteakingly spreading the tomato sauce over every inch of the crust; carefully placing the mozzarella shred by shred. Secretly I wanted to yell, “Just be done, already! You are not a contestant on America’s Top Chef!” But I was a pillar of patience on the outside.
Super Hubs came home as I was taking the pizzas out of the oven. I recognized the weary look on his face, and knew what he was thinking as he said, “That smells delicious! Maybe we could…..”
“Nooooo! Don’t even think about it!” I blocked his offense with my defense. “We MUST go out! I have had a long and tiresome week and I am wearing Date Night clothes. And perfume. I do not care where we go, just take me SOMEWHERE!”
So we went out for Buffalo wings and cheese fries. And I had my Mandatory Date Night Glass Of Wine. And we relaxed. And talked. And laughed. And I was reminded that he is the very best man that I’ve ever known.
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